meet the icons

meet the icons

Katherine Lillie burst onto the Wisconsin real estate scene in March of 2021. Since then, she has helped over 100 families and individuals make their homeownership dreams a reality.

An interview with the founder

Why do you love real estate?

There are so many ways to make an impact on people's lives and help them in achieving their goals! That’s why I am so passionate about my job.

Being part of a real estate team brings a thrilling opportunity to support others in creating a business they can truly take pride in.

Engaging with our client community is an exhilarating experience as we embark on their real estate journey. I love adding extra fun and a fresh perspective to their adventures!

What’s most important in your life, besides real estate?

Easy answer; coffee, and my cats. Ha! Waylon and Willie are the two cutest felines this side of Little Wissota. Their names are inspired by two of the most notable outlaw country artists. Music is pretty important to me, too.

My husband Logan is pretty spectacular. Most of our time is spent enjoying our home near Lake Wissota, taking epic road trips around the country, and experiencing life with our friends and family.

Lastly, it’s extremely important to me to live a life that I’m proud of. Making decisions that are truly best for myself and my family, staying aligned in my integrity and authenticity, and giving as much as I can to those in my life and the community I’m a part of.

“Don’t be surprised how quickly the universe moves once you’ve decided that you want better for yourself.”

What business accomplishments are you most proud of?

First and foremost, being a leader and mentor is my proudest accomplishment. I’ve been blessed to lead teams and individuals in a variety of ways. There is no joy greater than watching others accomplish their goals and overcome their own hurdles and challenges.

Being voted as one of the Top 3 Real Estate Agents in the Chippewa Valley for 2023 is amazing! The public recognition of the Volume One award feels so great, and having my hard work acknowledged by the community is honestly a huge feat that I’m proud to have received.

Finally, simply becoming an entrepreneur and real estate investor is something I’m extremely proud of. Building this real estate business takes so much time and energy. A true labor of love.